
The Future of Higher Education

Cathy N. Davidson

Thursday, August 6

1:30 – 3:30 PM

Cathy N. Davidson is a leading innovator in the areas of institutional change, professional development, and personal health, success, and performance in the digital age. A distinguished scholar of the history of technology, she is the author of twenty-one books on technology, education, and cognitive neuroscience.

In her current book, The New Education, Cathy Davidson argues that colleges and universities are failing the entire generation of young people. From the Ivy League to community colleges, she profiles innovative educators who are changing their classrooms by emphasizing creativity, collaboration, and adaptability over expertise in a single, often abstract discipline. The AAC&U awarded The New Education with the 2019 Frederic W. Ness Book Award.

Luncheon Speaker

Paul Brandus

Friday, August 7

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

A frequent speaker at presidential libraries, Fortune 500 companies and author of two history books on the White House and presidency, Paul Brandus is the founder of West Wing Reports, a White House-based media company that distributes content to broadcast and print clients across the United States and around the world.